His will be done...

 Matthew 6:10

"...Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

This passage coming from the prayer that Jesus was teaching His disciples. In this prayer, we say His will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. God's will is perfect but can be painful and confusing. When He activates His plan, it may not make sense to us, it may seem the opposite of what we would think should be, but the moment we remember His power and ability to see into the future, His ways of orchestrating things in the best possible way, it is when we surrender to Him and just declare His will be done.

As we approach the new year, we need to invite God into our plans, that He may give us wisdom and guide us as we prepare. That we keep room for His plans to manifest through our lives that may seem a bit of a surprise.  May we show gratitude for all He has done all the years; leading and guiding us, protecting and providing, healing and strengthening, prospering and advancing us. With a heart filled with gratitude, give praise for even trials that have built our characters and given us endurance, patience and a better perspective in life. I pray God aligns and positions us, in exactly the places that He needs us, as His instruments in His hands, in Jesus name. Amen!



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