Seek His kingdom first!

 Matthew 6:33

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

This verse serve as a guide on how to prioritize in life. On our own, we tend to do things the wrong-way round, where we go after things that satisfies us, things that we need and want. It's just that with that approach, we then focus on ourselves and no longer on what God wants, or we perhaps pay less attention to it, as we go about looking for those things we want. However, I'm sure we might have noticed that with the kingdom of God, things work the other way round. God says, seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and then He will give you all those things that you need.

In my own life, I battled for a long time, trying to figure out what this verse means for me, on what exactly I was supposed to do, or what my purpose was, so that I can prioritize it. However, I'm discovering that what God refers to, is something from within. Everything that God wants to achieve in and through us, is already in us. The assignment, the purpose, the desire, is already within you, which is waiting for you to pursue it for the kingdom of God. Also what this verse means, is that we must prioritize God, put Him first. To make Him the centre in everything we do. Remember God uses us anywhere He plants us, which differs for all of us, what matters is what He does through us. Meaning we need to be obedient and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. Fighting the process just leads to frustration, also having a pre-conceived idea of what God wants to achieve through us, can also be frustrating as we might feel like we are at the wrong place, wrong environment only to realize that God allowed us to be in that environment in order to shine the light in that area.

Being obedient brings benefits, those benefits includes all your needs being met, by God. Further down in this verse He indicates that He already know that we need those "things", material things, to live. Hence, if you pursue His kingdom, He will take care of your needs. 


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