Take all your worries and cares to God!

 1 Peter 5:7

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

God says we must bring all our troubles to Him, so that He may relieve us from all the stress and anxieties. This as a result of His compassion for us, He cares about us! The thing is that God already knows that in our walk of life, we will come across all sorts of trials and tribulations, minor to major. With this, His desire is that we would not carry these burdens on our shoulders, but that we would call on Him to help us, as He cares for us. There are a number of bible verses that emphasizes that we must not worry nor be anxious, but remain with a thankful heart.

Even in tough situations, God wants us to release the burden to Him and look for something to be grateful for. He expects us to have a heart filled with gratitude, for He is in control. It may be a dark hour, but the truth is that He is still in control. I now understand why I was sensitized about the story of Daniel, who was thrown in the lion's den on false accusations. In this story we get to see that even in that scary and impossible situation, God was there with him and He closed the lion's mouth. He was untouched and he lived to tell the story. Therefore, God allowed that difficult situation to happen, so that He may be glorified for His power that saved Daniel. I believe the same thing for us all. In the difficult circumstances, God is there, ready to bring a breakthrough and show Himself strong. Hold on tight...


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