The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord!
Habakkuk 2:14
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
When you think how wide the water cover the sea, is un-imaginable! That is how much the earth (people) will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, which is great! It's sad when you hear the Lord in the book of Hosea 4:6, say people perish because of lack of knowledge, tragic. To think that God sacrificed His Son for us to have a glimpse of who He is and to share the knowledge and light in the world, and yet people still find it hard to believe and be saved. Which is why in John 14:6, Jesus said I am the way, truth and life. In order for us to have life, we have to look to Him; to know the truth (in the world full of confusion), we have to look to Him; and also to know which way to follow, we have to look to Him. Therefore, the bible, which is the word of God, is full of this knowledge. The more we spend time soaking ourselves in it, it's the more God reveals to us this knowledge and it's the more we build and strengthen our relationship with Him; as we begin to trust Him more and depend on Him for everything. It is a beautiful thing!
May this verse encourage you to be one of those that will be filled with the knowledge of the kingdom of God. God has commanded each one of us to go and spread this good news, so that more people can be saved. This can be done in many ways, including the way we live our lives, the testimonies we share of the goodness of God so that He may be glorified! Shine your light!!
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