As the deer longs for the streams of water, so we long for Him...

 Psalm 42:1

As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.

The moment you realize that God is our everything, it is when we long for Him more. God as our Creator, is everything, He is our Source. When you read the bible and realize the heart of God, you get to see that we are because of Him. He is our Provider, Protector, Helper, Healer, Peace. He is the reason that we live and breathe. He cares and loves us so much. He is compassionate towards us, kind and gracious. All He wants, is a close relationship with us, which is why He let Jesus be crucified so He can make things right for us, to have that intimate relationship (which was affected in the garden of Eden).

When you have surrendered your life to Him, for every need, challenge, wish or desire, you go to Him because you know He is faithful and is a present help in time of need. Which is why, we long for Him. What I have experienced, is that this was not always like this, this dependency on Him grew as I got closer and closer to Him. Before, I used to depend on my own strength and abilities, but through His grace, He opened my eyes to realize that His design, has always been for us to have that close intimate relationship, do things together with Him so that we may achieve great things. That He is our source, and He is more than willing and able to meet our needs (Matthew 6:33; Ephesians 3:20). 

Should this not be a reality for you yet, I challenge you to go in prayer, and ask God to bring you closer to Him; that you long for that close relationship with Him. That you are willing to surrender all to Him and let Him take the lead. God is merciful, He will respond to you and your life will never be the same. Oh, also, when you ask, ask in faith, believe that God hears you and He will do it for you (Mark 11:24)...



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