Our freedom was blood-bought!

 Ephesians 1:7

He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins.

The freedom we enjoy today, didn't come cheap. Somebody paid the price and that is Jesus. Which is why, we ought to remember that, recognize Him as our living sacrifice, appreciate and celebrate Him. The main objective for God sending Jesus to the cross for our regard, was mainly to have our sins cleansed and flushed away. Which is why living in bondage of the wrongs of the past, is an insult to Him, who already paid the price for us to live in freedom from condemnation and guilt. The least we can do, is show gratitude by taking hold of the freedom He gives us and stop living in fear. Fear and freedom do not co-exist. Fear keeps you bound and in a frozen state, stuck and unable to move. However, freedom gives us the assurance that we need not have to fear, we are covered, no matter what; hence we may be able to express our freedom in the way God has designed for us to. 2 Timothy 1:7 says: "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." This means, the Spirit that God has given us, gives us the power to think big and take limits off God. The Spirit we are given also allows us to be filled with love (just as God is love) and also gives us the self-control. Self-control that allows us to be responsible with the freedom we have gained, that we are wise with it and use it for the kingdom of God.

So, if you are born again and yet you still find yourself condemning yourself about your past sins/mistakes, take it to the Lord to remind you of the price that was paid already, to free you from the guilt. God's desire is for us to be Jesus-focused, not sin-focused. He wants us to repent from our wrongs and move on from that chapter, press on forward, running our race and building the kingdom of God with love. It will be impossible to do so, if you are still hanging your head about what you did in the past, even after the sins have been forgiven and forgotten. Hebrews 8:12 says: "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” If God forgives and forgets about your sins, why don't you? Access your freedom through the blood that was shed for you and me and enjoy the freedom (the price has already been paid!).


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