Our sorrow, is turning into joy...

 Jeremiah 31:25

"For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing."

God is so merciful, He allows us to go through painful and unpleasant experiences, to strengthen us, equip and prepare us for what He has for us in the future. The beauty about it, is that the seasons do change. When He deems us ready, He allows us to go into a new season, where He refreshes us, give us our strength back and turn our mourning into dancing/ joy. Psalm 30:11 says: "You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,". In life, we go through difficult situations but there is always hope at the end of the tunnel. It so happen that someone very dear to me that I've recently lost, happened to be their birthday today and that brough some emotions. But this verse is encouraging me that God, my Comforter is going to turn the rough season I'm going through into joy. He will turn the sorrow I feel into joy. 

This is why we need to hold on to Him, things happen that we don't agree with or would want to experience, but because He is so merciful, He stands right beside us and feel our pain, and wipe away those tears. Luke 7:13 shows us the heart of God, this verse says: "...When Jesus saw the funeral procession and heard the mother sobbing, He was moved with compassion. “His heart went out to her” This shows us that when we go through difficult times, Jesus sees and it does touch Him, He becomes compassionate towards us and it is no wonder that what will follow thereafter, will be His comfort, in whichever way He sees fit.

Hence, let us run to Him with our broken hearts, tears and sorrowful hearts; He is always there to receive and comfort us. He is our Father and cares so deeply for us.


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