Stay focused, and keep your eyes on the prize!

 Hebrews 12:2

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

In this case, Jesus is teaching us the tunnel-vision; where we keep our eyes on the prize, forgetting the noises and distractions on either side. Had Jesus been destructed and allowed His flesh to control Him, He would've stopped everything and never went ahead with the plan of God (of being crucified for our regard). In the same way, God has called each one of us, to play a particular role, that will bring relief to others, in one way or the other. We all have an assignment to fulfill in His kingdom. What I'm learning is that, when God gives you a vision, it is you who will understand it and have it clear. Everybody else won't because it wasn't placed in them. Hence, it is imperative that you keep it to yourself, not allowing others contaminate and discourage you from what you've been told to do. In time, they will see it manifest.

Think of Noah building an ark, people thought he lost his mind, they laughed at him, mocked him and called him crazy. If he didn't allow that tunnel-vision to motivate him forward, he could've been distracted and maybe even discouraged from proceeding with it. But he knew what God had already told him and he stuck with it. In this case, let us draw lessons from these stories, that also with you, God may put a dream in your heart, that seem so big that it seems impossible. Remember, nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Keep it burning, take one step at a time and God will see it through. He will provide the means to make it manifest.


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