What the bible says about friends...

 Proverbs 18:24

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

This bible verse reminds me of the saying that the company you keep, can either make or break you! Which is all so true, you tend to adopt tendencies of those you spend most of your time with. Also, their words and action may influence you in one way or the other; meaning, if they tend to be negative about everything in life, you may start having a negative view of the world. Complaining and seeing only bad things. However, the opposite is true, when you associate with people who have a positive outlook in life, you may feel inspired and encouraged on certain things, simply because they look on the bright side of things (most of the time). 

You find good friends, keep them. This verse is warning us that some friends can destroy each other; this would be those fake friends, who only love you when you are down and out. When you are at the lowest in their ranking, they would cherish you, but the moment things start falling into place for you, they turn against you. This is all part of the schemes of the enemy, to isolate you and make you feel worthless and unloved. But this shouldn't be, we have a friend in Jesus. John 15:15 says: "I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." And wow, what a friend He is! When I was down and out myself, I found a true friend in Him; who never deserted me, who loved and appreciated me.

It may not be a bad thing to have earthly friends, but we must always ensure that our number one friend is Jesus, then everybody else. This friend (Jesus) is able to shield you, guide you, help and empower you. As you overflow in His love, you then overflow to your earthly friends and associates. Make Him a priority and the rest will fall into place.


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