Be patient in trouble and keep on praying...

Romans 12:12

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

In the kingdom of God, we are taught to have hope, having this confidence on things we have not seen but having this knowing that it shall be, because God said so. Faith is the currency in our kingdom, we don't believe when we see. Hence, we can rejoice that we have hope; it is a big deal when you interact with people that do not have hope, they think the worst of everything, but with us, we know God is on the throne and He is in control.

Be patient in trouble. As a child of God, there are many troubles we face, as expected because Jesus faced many troubles because of who He is. Thus, we are called to be patient, not to lose hope and give up, but have patience. I've learned that with God, certain things you learn them in the difficult situations. Thus, you learn to be patient by being put in situations where there's a promise, and then the waiting, before the promise manifests. Similar to how Abraham was promised to have a son, and he was made to wait about 25 years before that promise came to pass. This waiting grooms us to be patient; whilst we wait, God is building our ability to be patient. Lastly, we are encouraged to keep on praying. This is an important aspect, that during the waiting period, we don't wait passively, but we pray for that which God has promised us. We align our lives with His will. Also, prayer is able to break every chain and schemes of the devil that would want to block our promises from coming to pass. Therefore, let us not get weary in praying. God listens and the demons are frightened by our prayers.


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