Greatness lives in you!

 1 John 4:4

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

This is good news! God says you have already won a victory over that situation, no matter what it is. You being a child of God, you have victory, this is the victory that Jesus secured for us from the cross. A while back, I heard our Pastor saying that as children of God, we don't fight for victory, but we fight from victory! This means, we fight knowing that we have already won, it's just a matter of how great or how much. Not a matter of maybe, but surely secured. This is the case right here, where God reminds us that we have the living Holy Spirit in us, who is so great and able to do all things, because that is God. He is able to bring us victory in every situation. His greatness gives us this advantage that no matter the outcome, we have won!

Now, the spirit in the world, may try to destroy, kill and steal from us (according to John 10:10), but we must remember that there is no weapon formed against us that shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Greatness lives in us and is for us, therefore, we shall overcome. I feel blessed that I live in this generation, where we have the blessing of the Holy Spirit living in and with us. Compared to the days before Jesus resurrected, where you'll only experience God's presence where Jesus was, physically. We are truly privileged that He lives in us, convicting us and showing us the right way, with every step we take. May we never take this gift for granted, it's an honour and a privileged and for that we thank our Heavenly Father for being such a great strategist and orchestrator of everything.



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