How awesome that God created us so wonderfully...

 Psalm 139:13-14

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

God truly is amazing! When you really think of His works, you can never stop being in awe of His power, creativity, majesty and abilities. He created heaven and earth and everything in it. The bible in the book of Genesis tells us how God created everything in just six days, He spoke a word and all came to being. What is extra special, is that with us, human beings, He took His time to craft us in His hands. He formed us with His touch and put every single body part, inside and outside and then breathed life into the body. Since then, when He oversees our formation in our mother's womb, ensuring the process till we are birthed and beyond. This verse makes it real, by creating this picture in our minds on how delicate God created us and made sure of our survival. What is humbling is that God created us in His very own image (Genesis 1:27), to bring this connection and to show us that we are His and we do have the power to exhibit His wonderful characters. How amazing!

May we never get tired of being in awe of His power, His creativity, His ability to orchestrate everything in our lives. God is a genius, there is no one above Him, no one who can do what He can do. He is powerful and awesome, and the wonderful thing is that He has given us the power and ability to do great things with Him. We are told that when Jesus ascended to heaven, He didn't leave us alone, but He left us with the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Who is our Helper, Guide and Comforter. Through Him, we can do great things. 1 John 4:4 says: "...because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." Therefore, greatness lives in us and thus, we can do great things for the honour and glory of our Heavenly Father. Be sure to remember this when the world makes you feel small; remember that you are remarkable, awesome and powerful!


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