The Lord shall save us!

 Romans 10:13

For “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.”

This is very important. Knowing who your Father is, the One you can depend on, makes all the difference. In life, we face so many things trials and tribulations that can threaten our well-being, but with God, we are saved. We are saved now whilst we are living in the land of the living, where the enemy throws anything and everything at us, but we are still standing. Not because we are strong, cleaver or lucky; but we are still standing because of the grace of God. God saves us from those things. Psalm 91 explains all the things that the Lord shields us from. When we are faced with storms, we run to Him, as He is our hiding place (Psalm 18:2-12; Psalm 32:7). He saves us even from our enemies...

Another way of looking at being saved, is the issue of eternal life, life after death. John 3:16 spells out clearly the key role played by Jesus so that we don't perish but have eternal life. What Jesus has done for us, was to save our lives forever. He kept us from dying the second death. Which is why we take being in relationship with God seriously as it secures our future. He is the beginning and the end, besides Him we are nothing. Thus, I urge you to evaluate your life, on where is your hope, whom do you trust, who is your sure foundation and if the answer is not God, pray about it and ask God to come into your life and be your Source. Source of life, protection, health, victory, joy, peace and all. We need to confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, King of kings.


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