We shall not be afraid because of His presence...

 Psalm 23:4

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

This truth is very comforting, to know that God is close by, even when we go through the difficulties of life. It is not in God's nature to put us through storms, however, He allows storms to come through that the enemy may be sending our way, as a means to strengthen us and also to show the enemy that He is all powerful and able to deliver us from those difficulties. I once heard something that truly made sense to me, that if you've never been sick, you wouldn't know the power of God to heal you; and if you've never been confined in a tough situation, you wouldn't know the power of God to deliver you, and so on. This means, sometimes God allows these difficulties to strengthen our faith in Him, that we would know without any doubt who God is in our lives. 

That's why God says we must not despise the process of deliverance and growth. In it, there are things we learn, that grooms and grow us, thus preparing us for the future that God has for us. You may have had a difficult past, and common sense may want to channel you to think that things will never change, which is completely false. But we need to remember that we serve the Mighty God, where nothing is impossible with Him (Luke 1:37). If He was able to deliver the children of Israel after 400 years, in that miraculous way, then it means He can still do the same for us. He is powerful and almighty! We just need to trust Him and believe that in Him timing, the preparation process will be complete and harvest time will be ushered in. Just hold on...


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