We will share in His glory, after we have suffered a little bit...

 1 Peter 5:10

In His kindness God called you to share in His eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So, after you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.

This verse is quite encouraging. God knows all the suffering we have to endure, on a daily basis and what is comforting, is that because of His kindness, He has made sure that we will share in His glory, by means of Jesus! Meaning, no matter what we may face now, there will be a time where we benefit out of this suffering by sharing His glory. This verse further elaborates on how we will share in His glory, by being restored, supported, strengthened and placed on a firm foundation! This means we will be established and set for life in every area of our lives. We will not be shaken, we will not be weary, and we will have God's support and protection. He will establish us by placing us on a firm foundation, that even when the storms of life come, we will not be shaken. Think of Job's life, in the book of Job; where he suffered a lot but eventually, God restored him so much more!

Funny how people start paying attention to a person when they start seeing these types of fruits, but were ignorant of that person when they were going through the suffering season? If this be you, who was all alone during the tough season, be encouraged that the Lord says you will reap the fruits, He will establish you and you will share in His glory (once your process has been completed). When that time comes, don't feel bad when God blesses you, remember that the seeds you sown with your tears are paying off. Hold your head up high and give the glory to God, because it is Him that brings all these blessings. Embrace the goodness of the Lord and thank Him for allowing you to see His goodness in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13)!


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