You really matter in the kingdom of God!!!
Esther 4:14
If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”
Between yesterday and today, the Jews are celebrating their deliverance that happened many years ago, where they were nearly destroyed by the man called Haman who was an advisor to the king. However, God intervened and allowed their deliverance, that came through the newly chosen queen, called Esther who was instrumental in saving the lives of the Jews. In this verse, Esther's uncle (who was like a parent to her), reminded her of the challenge they were facing of their possible killing and was asking if she can use her authority to bring relief. What we learn from this story is that queen Esther used her position as the queen and informed the king of the plans of Haman to kill every Jew, including herself. The king was touched by this debacle and intervened and all the Jews were set free! PS- read the whole story in the book of Esther in the bible!
What we learn from this story is that God would put us in positions (that at times we don't even deserve); however, because of His will and plans, we end up being instrumental and bringing victory, relief, joy, hope and so much more, to God's people. We must never underestimate ourselves, nor the positions we hold, as we may never know what supernatural miracle you will bring someone by being obedient in that position. The second important learning lesson, is to be obedient! Like Mordecai (Esther's uncle) said, that who knows if you were raised to this position for such a time as this. Meaning, when God leads and urges you to do something, do it, because you may never know whose miracle will happen simply because of your obedience. We are important in the kingdom of God and my wish is for you to start seeing yourself as God sees you, His instrument that He can use to bring glory and honour to Himself and also touch people's lives through you. Go on, continue shining His light in your world as God has assigned you to.
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