God will fight for you...

 John 12:8

"You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me.”

These were the words spoken by Jesus, as Judas was complaining about an act of kindness that was expressed by Mary. Mary had just taken a very expensive perfume and anointed Jesus' feet and wiped off with her hair. She was showing her gratitude and love for who Jesus is and what He has done. However, upon seeing this, Judas angrily said she was wasting this perfume, that could've been sold, and money used for the poor. Of course by now we know the kind of person Judas is, the very same person who betrayed Jesus. He wasn't considerate of the poor but was being critical. And Jesus saw through him and that's why He was rebuking his remarks,

In this story, we can learn that God sees and like it when we show gratitude to Him, He will even go an extra mile to fight those who fight us, for loving Him. His statement shows that we should also prioritize correctly in life, for example: opinion of people vs opinion of God. Which is important?

Also, that in life we may live with people who have bad intentions towards us; the great news is that God sees all of that. He sees their hearts and what they do behind our back, which is why He is so protective of His children. Therefore, we should always show gratitude to God for saving us from disaster and things we knew nothing about, that He kept away from us.


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