Avoid the negativity and protect your heart...

Proverbs 4:23 

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

This is an instruction for us all, to guard our hearts. Our hearts get affected easily, as we engage different people, who may offend, hurt or make us feel less than nothing. In this case, we are urged to not let all the noise going on in the world, to get inside us. This doesn't mean you need to stop everyone from talking or saying what they say, it means you may have to avoid that kind of an environment or people, as a form of protection. Thus, keeping the company that builds you, rather than the one that crushes you. Also, you may have to let what is being said, go in on one ear and out on the other. Thus, not taking it to heart, where you internalize what is being said, but you force yourself to ignore and not come in agreement with what is said. You may also want to use the negative things said or done and turn them around for something positive. Use that as a steppingstone to something else, use it as a motivation to prove their theory wrong (in a way). 

This will help you flush out all toxicity that we come across, on a daily basis. To prevent it from taking root in our hearts which may end up corrupting us, and result with bitterness, anger, resentment etc. Our hearts are too precious to have such. We have the heart of God, and thus we are here on earth, to spread the fragrance of Christ, and we won't be able to do so, if we have gunk in our hearts. God says we must forgive those who wrong us as He forgives us; that's another strategy to get rid of bitterness and anger in our hearts. Continue doing good and protect your heart. God loves you just the way you are, don't pay much attention to what the world says...


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