God says you are the light of the world!

 Matthew 5:14

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."

This puts a little bit of pressure but when you think about it, as a follower of Jesus, God has chosen you to be the light in this world we live in. The light that He shines in you, He wants you to us it to shine it wherever you may be. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of light. God wants His light to shine through in the entire universe, so that there can be life and prosperity. You do this by being authentic, being yourself and that's when through the Holy Spirit, God will shine through. Your love for Christ, what you have learnt about how God wants us to live our lives, your experiences which we can term as testimonies (your survival) are the ones that will shine the light in the darkness. Not everyone knows about the Lord and how amazing He is, but you do and that's how they will get to know Him, through you and your works.

The last part of this verse refers to the light not to be hidden. This means, you need to shine your light, do not be ashamed of who you are and whose you are. Also, what you have been blessed with. Remember the gifts and talents that God blessed us with, they are meant to be a blessing to others. Thus, when you use your talent, you bless those that consumes that which you use them for. And by them marveling at what you do, they can be taught that it is by the grace of God and that will open their eyes. 

Therefore, keep shining your light, greatness already lives in you and He would like to be on display through you!


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