The Holy Spirit will guide us into the truth...

 John 16:13

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.

The Holy Spirit is indeed our best friend, our guide and helper. From what the Lord says, the Holy Spirit will be telling us that which God our Father has told Him about us and about our future. This means, through the Holy Spirit we get to access information that is for the selected few, those that are in the kingdom of God. This means, the Holy Spirit will prepare us in advance, on what to expect so that when it comes to pass, we are not shocked or overwhelmed but we allow the will of God to take place. What a wonderful Father we have!

May we recognize this reality and embrace the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, that it is to our advantage and protection. That through Him, we get to better understand the plans of the Lord about our lives. These may not be in detailed, and we may not know the timing, but God guides us through season. What I appreciate about our Father (amongst many other things), is that He works in seasons. Through the Holy Spirit, He shows us what season we are in, so that we align and don't get depressed when our expectations are not met. But most importantly I'm grateful for the promise in Romans 8:28 that "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." This means, even the hardship you go through, that will work for you good, God will turn it to be advantageous to you. Hence, no time is lost...


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