We are called to lay down our lives for others...
John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
God is love and as our Father, He encourages us to show love to others as He does with us. When we think of the greatest sacrifice it took Him, as a result of His love for us, we have no choice but to be obedient and do as we are told. This verse reminds us that there's no greater love than the one where you sacrifice for another person. This can be in any way, but where you feel stretched but are willing to do it as compelled by the love you have inside of you. God has just challenged me to reach out to others who are in need, with hands stretched out. Thus, filling their cups as He fills ours, according to Psalm 23:5 that says: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." God is reminding us that when He starts overfilling our cups, we must not forget to fill other's too; thus, being a blessing to others as He commanded us to be, in Genesis 12.
May this be a gentle reminder that as the children of God, we are called to reach out to others and provide a helping hand. The same grace that was shown to us, we need to show to others, so that this act will point them to the cross, where their help comes from. God has called us to be the hands and feet for Jesus and we know of many examples where Jesus was compassionate and helpful; even taking 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the masses! Let us also take the little bit we have, ask God to bless it and watch as it touches people's lives.
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