Lead your children on the right path...

 Proverbs 22:6

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

This is all so important, to groom and guide our children on the path of the Lord. Jesus is the way, truth and life (John 14:6), if we want our children to walk on the right path, we will need to instill the principles, values and knowledge about our heavenly Father. This will lead them to be on the right path and have life in eternity. We need to also show the hardships we have gone through and the victories that the Lord has brought for us. This will help build their faith, so that even when they are older and they face trials and tribulations, they would hold on to the Lord, having the full confidence in who He is and what He is capable of. Proverbs 18:10 says: "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe."

This is why in the bible, God will instruct the Israelites to save certain things as evidence, that they can show to the next generation of what the Lord has done for them, so that they don't become a lost generation, but that they remain in Christ. And simple things that can help draw our children to Christ, is introducing them to the structures that speaks about and encourages building a relationship with God, for example church (Sunday school for small ones). These can be taken for granted, but God has a way of speaking to us and drawing us near to Him. Personally, I started enjoying going to church when I was still small, where my mother would make means that I attend Sunday school. When I look back now, I realize my love for Christ started then. Therefore, let us not take it for granted but ensure we bring our children closer to God. The world is harsh and in a dire state, where the enemy is on the loose looking for whom he may devour. Ensure that your children are covered, and they know who their Shepherd is.


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