People are hungry for His word, be the difference...

 Matthew 9:36-38

When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to His disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.”

Jesus is so compassionate for us! This verse reminds us on why He allowed the gruesome death to take over, as He had us in mind as His sheep. Jesus saw the people that were lost, confused and helpless, pretty much like it is nowadays, where people have lost hope, are frustrated and unhappy. Jesus then said to them, the harvest is great; this was referring to those people that are ready to hear the word of God and be consoled, given direction and strength in life. I see this with my own life, that before I was fully conscious of God in my life, life's challenges were extreme and unbearable, life was just a drag, without an end in mind. But God's presence has given me clarity in life, a sense of hope and joy. A purpose, the reason to live. 

Therefore, Jesus is calling on all of us (that have come to know Him) to spread the word to others as well, so that they may find their true Shepherd, One who is willing to die for them, One who is their bread of life, ready to satisfy hunger and thirst. The One who is the light of the world, in whom we are never lost or in despair as He promised never to leave nor forsake us (Hebrew 5:13). It is on us to shine the light on these people, showing them that there's a Father who cares so much for them, who wants to have a relationship with them, who wants to carry their burdens of life, so that they may live a life of abundance. I'm raising my hand for this task! The question is, can God count on you? Let Him know...


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