Remember ALL that the Lord has done for you...

 Psalm 77:11-12

But then I recall all You have done, O LORD; I remember Your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about Your mighty works.

We may have things that we need God to come through for us with, but we the truth is, God has already done so much for us. Some of which it is things we don't even see with our eyes but when we are fair, we would recognize that it was the hand of God. This could be as simple as protection from accidents of all sorts. It is not our intellect or luck that we survive each day wherever we are, it is because God said so. He kept us safe from any harm that could've finished us off. It's those things that we need to constantly keep reminding ourselves of the role God that plays in our lives, which will humble us and make us to have a grateful heart. God loves a grateful heart...

Maybe instead of always focusing on the negative things surrounding us, let us be intentional and decide to focus on His goodness, on the things that we can be grateful for, including the life we still have. Others would've wanted to see another day, but they couldn't. Us being able to take a breath in the morning, tells us that God still has a purpose for our lives, it may not be the way we want it or wanted it to be, but let us be grateful for the improvements (no matter how small they are). Should your life have deteriorated from what it was, it is time you really seek God and ask for His mercy and intervention in your life. Remind God of John 10:10 that tells us that Jesus came to give us life in abundance; this means abundance in every area! Therefore, ask Him to reveal if you are still in a process to receiving that life, if so, ask for His mercy as you endure that process. He is merciful and He would want to help you, when you ask (Matthew 7:7).


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