Seek the Lord and you will find Him!

 Jeremaih 29:13

If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.

We are called to seek th Lord with all our hearts. This leads us to be in the safest place, as we will not be leaning on our own understanding, but we'll be operating from the will of God (Proverb 3:5). The bible in Matthew 6:33 says: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This means before you pursue something, seek the will of God, if that thing is aligned with His plans for your life or not. It means the first step is checking with God, about your decisions, to know His righteousness in that particular area. This means, our will and desires might have to be put aside, where they don't align with what God is saying. God will show the way that leads to life.

The verse for today confirms that if we seek Him diligently, we will find Him, we will find His ways, His truth and His presence. This will bring peace, prosperity and calm, as you will proceed with confidence knowing that God is backing you. Also knowing that all your needs will be taken care of, as per His promise (Matthew 6:33); thus, you will operate out of a clear mind. Let us go boldly to His throne and ask for all those things that makes us anxious and worried, so that we may be helped.


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