God desires for us to live in harmony.

 Psalm 133:1

How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

God desires for us to live in peace and harmony, with everyone. This links with one of the two important commandments that Jesus gave us, which is to love our neighbour as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). If we follow this command, it might be slightly easier to live in harmony with one another.

We must realize that quarrels and constant strife in relations, are not coming from the kingdom of God, but certainly from the kingdom of darkness which seeks to destroy peace in people's lives. John 10:10 clearly tells us that the enemy came to steal, destroy and kill. All these are negative and destructive, which is why disagreements, fights, anger, exchange of words, are as a result of the seed planted by the enemy do destroy harmony and peace. It is up to us to recognize this and start rebuking it in the name of Jesus. Jesus has already given us the authority; we have the power to bind the schemes and plots of the devil. Therefore, we need to constantly declare peace in our lives, in our households, workplaces and everywhere we may be. 


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