Praise the Lord, for He carries us each day!

 Psalm 68:19

Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms. 

Indeed, let us praise His name, He deserves the honour and the glory! He carries us each and every day. We may not see it sometimes, but He is there carrying us, making a way and protecting us. A lot is happening in the spirit, and as His children, we are the main target for the enemy and thus, the plots and schemes do form and we see them manifest in the physical, in different forms including sickness, things going wrong, financial drain etc. All these starts in the spirit, which is why we need to connect ourselves to the Lord, who sees all and knows all. He is able to shield us from trouble. Psalm 91 gives us that picture of protection from the Lord, from all these things that manifest in the physical. But we shall not fear, because in verse 11 and 12, God tells us that He has discharged His angels to encamp around us, which gives us a clear picture of protection. Therefore, we shall not have the spirit of fear, but will pursue with the spirit of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

With this in mind, we have every reason to lift up our praise and worship Him. Thank Him for protecting us from things we've seen and even those we did not, that He took care of. Praise Him for being such a powerful and loving Father, who is faithful to His word (Numbers 23:19) that we can hold on to His word. Thank Him for orchestrating our blessings and victories, which will manifest when the time is right. He is worthy...


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