The gift of salvation: confess and be saved!

 Romans 10:9

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Salvation is all so important, as it is something we need to seek and find whilst we are still here on earth. It will be too late to consider that once the Lord has taken us from the earth, as by then we will then have to account. Hence, we all need to confess and declare, and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, that He died on the cross and was raised again. This as an act to save us from the sin we inherited from the garden of Eden. It is therefore, important that we welcome Him into our hearts, to rule and reign, as our Lord. That we surrender our lives to Him, to partner with Him for the sake of the kingdom of God.

May we never take this for granted and may we ensure that we are in right standing with the Lord, when it comes to this, whilst there's still time. The Lord will welcome you with open arms, forgive you of all your sins and cleanse them as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). Also, to spread the good news to others, to ensure that we all find the gift of salvation and may be guaranteed of life in eternity. God will bless you as you do this...


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