Be an example and encourage living in harmony with others...

 Romans 15:5

May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.

The Lord desires for us to live in harmony with all, as fellow brothers and sisters; no hating on each other, jealousy, gossip, stealing from, killing and wishing bad on each other. This is in full alignment with the 10 commandments, which are subsequently summed-up on the two most important commandments that Jesus gave. First one being to love God with all our heart, soul and mind; the second one that says love your neighbour as you love yourself (Matthew 22:37-39). If we follow these commandments, we will find a way of living in harmony with each other, thus fulfilling what the verse for today is urging us on.

It may not be easy, but it is possible. Which is why in everything, we rely on God. His strength, wisdom and mercy will enable us to love everyone as God instructs us and we'll be able to live in harmony with each other. As a challenge, let us quickly bring this command to our minds, when we feel triggered by certain people, and start praying for them. God will intervene and who knows even transform that person's heart and life. I was blessed to hear a sermon at church that God's kingdom, is not a kingdom of war but of love. As His ambassadors, let us spread love everywhere we are, so that we may positively impact our environment. This being a love revolution, for His glory and honour! By this, indeed the world will see that we are His children...


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