Don't conform to the world and its standards...

 Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

I am a living testimony to this particular verse; indeed, the word of God has changed my life. This word tells us that we MUST NOT conform or copy the customs and behaviours of this world, but to stick with what the word of God says and allow Him to transform us inside out so that we know His perfect will for our lives, that is good, perfect and pleasing. Wow, it is so true! I used to be a slave of "what will people say", which limited my life, made me to be self-conscious and frozen. I used to follow the crowd, hoping to fit in, even though I failed every time with every group of people I was trying to fit in with. But my God came and made me realize that I do not have to do all of that, what I should worry about, is pleasing Him, full-stop. That was a game-changer for me, because all of a sudden, I realized my worth, that I did not have to comply with the world, conform to its standard, but I just needed to be myself. That led to a lot of things that I praise the Lord for. Indeed, the chains were broken!

May this word be a reminder or an eye-opener to you, that you do not have to follow what others do, to please them; you are unique and awesome just the way you are. Don't go looking for people's applause, approval and confirmation. All you need is the approval from the Lord. If He said, don't pay attention to the reaction of the crowd, pursue what God told you and be who God has called you to be. You will find true freedom in every area of your life. Soak yourself in the word of the Lord, that's where all your answers lie. Be ok with being different. Be ok to have people call you weird and backward, one day, God will reward your diligence and for you standing up for the Kingdom of Heaven. I pray the Lord opens your eyes, so you may see yourself as God sees you...


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