God hears our prayers!

 Psalm 34:4-5

I prayed to the LORD, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

Hallelujah! Such a wonderful promise. The Lord is indeed good, a Good Father to us. If we can understand that the Lord loves us and is on our side, we'll be able to face the storms with strength and conviction that we are more than conquerors, as a result of us knowing that our Father will fight with and for us. 

This verse today shows us that when we pray, we don't pray in vain, but God hears us, and He answers. I can testify to this, that indeed God does hear us and He answers. I've had some challenges that I could not get myself out of and I had to do what I know best, which is to pray and indeed God came through. A caution though is that God's timing is not our timing, at times we may want something now, change, relief now. But only to realize that it is not the timing of God. This means, you need to persevere, keep praying and thanking God for the victory He is bringing. He wants us to believe that He heard, and He will answer. Also, another caution is that we need to be open minded about the answer. It may come as you had hoped for or it may not. What we need to remember, is that God knows best and what He'll give you, its what's best at that moment. Be grateful!

Furthermore, God frees us from the grip of fear. Jesus died for us to have freedom and when we enter the kingdom of God, freedom is our portion. Allow God to help you deal with fear, because it is not from Him (2 Timothy 1:7). Instead, He will give you radiant joy, as you rely on Him and let the fear fly away. That is your portion. Believe and receive it!


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