God will bless those who strive for justice...

 Matthew 5:6

God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.

This is the promise from the Lord. Those who desire to see and strive for justice and righteousness, they will be blessed by the Lord. God is against injustice, as He sees His children equal and that He loves them all. We see this by the principles that He teaches us about loving one another. If you love as God has commanded you to, then there would be no injustice in any way. No one would oppress, treat unfairly and steal from anyone, as we would feel for the next person and do the right thing.  1 John 4:7-8 sys: "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God, but anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love." This verse is clear that if we know God, we would love because He commanded us and we pass the love to others, that we have received from Him. 

Therefore, in our own environment, let us hunger and thirst for justice. This means, let us treat people justly and let us call into order those around us that do not do so. This will ensure that we introduce and spread the love of Christ through our actions, which is pleasing to the Lord. This verse for today further indicates that if you do that, God will bless you! Keep that in mind...


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