Joy is coming, hold on!!!

 Psalm 30:5

For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

This is critical to know. How we view God, influences how we engage Him and what we believe about Him. If we think He is a Father that is always angry and out to get us, we will always be fearful to ask and get closer to Him. This however is far from the truth. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, so that what He sees, is His righteousness, not our mistakes. Our sins are forgiven, and even when we fail, He is there to pick us up and help us back on our feet. He is never angry at us and looking for an opportunity to punish us. Those voices are from the enemy, and they must be rebuked every time.

The second part of this verse reminds us that hardship doesn't last. It is just for a moment. Difficult times will come in order to strengthen us, teach us and bring us closer to God. Also, to make us rely on Him, recognizing that we are nothing without him. However, those difficulties, only endure for the night, joy awaits in the morning. This encourages us not to think that we'll forever be in that state, morning is coming, and we will receive our joy indeed!

No matter what you are facing, know that it is not too big for our God, nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). He will give you a breakthrough and your joy will be restored, promise (I know...)!


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