Go and tell of the Good News...

 Mark 16:15

And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

This was Jesus' instructions to His disciples, to go into the world and preach the Good News. The good news referring to Christ, our Saviour who came to die for our sins. And that everyone should access this beautiful gift by confessing with their mouths that Jesus is Lord. That people should turn from their wicked ways and receive the grace of God. What we need to notice is that this instruction is also applicable to us, we are Jesus' disciples, and we are discharged by God to go and let people know of this wonderful news, so that they too, may be saved and get access to life in eternity.

This is where we rely more on the Holy Spirit to help us do exactly that, because on our own strength, we won't have the necessary wisdom and ability to do that. Also, God gets to use us for His glory, in different ways. We do not only preach the gospel from the pulpit, but in the spaces that we find ourselves in, God speaks through us, and He continues shining His light through us. All we need to do, is say "yes" to Him using us, as His vessels, He will do the rest. Consider this as a call for you, where God is nudging you to make yourself available for Him.


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