God says: love one another deeply...

 1 Peter 4:8

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

This is the instruction from the Lord, to love one another, deeply. It is not surprising that God would emphasize the issue of love, as the bible in 1 John 4 tells us that God is love. It is in His nature, it is His character, and it is His wish to see Hs children loving one another as He loves His children. There was a Love Campaign that we've recently concluded at church, which was the theme for about 5-6 weeks, where each week we looked at what God tells us about love. What I've learned is that God desires for us to love Him with everything we are; in addition, He wants us to love one another. This one another, includes even our enemies, people who are against us; however, God tells us that we should love them regardless.

The verse for today has just shown that with us loving even the people that we may regard as most difficult to love, there's a possibility that we may touch their hearts and have them turn away from their worldly ways and find Christ. Also, if we love like Christ has instructed us, we will be able to forgive and also overlook the wrongs that others have done, which can help make them realize that they are fighting a losing battle. Remember, God doesn't want us to take revenge but to leave everything to Him as He says "vengeance is Mine" (Romans 12:19). Do your part (love everybody) and God will take care of the rest.


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