The impact of Jesus on humanity

 Matthew 4:23

Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And He healed every kind of disease and illness.

Whilst Jesus was still here on earth, He was quite fruitful, impactful when you look at all that He did. He went about introducing the kingdom of God, as the kingdom of love and grace (not of war). He preached of the good news about the love of God and life in eternity. He further healed people along the way, performing miracles and saving people's lives. During His time on earth, He displayed a lot of compassion, love and generosity, where we see this in the many stories of Him healing the sick, opening blind eyes, advocating for fairness where people acted too righteous. He taught us how much of a provider God is, our source of everything. Source of life, health, prosperity, source of joy, hope and so much more.

All that is expected of us, is to believe. Believe that Jesus is alive, that He lived here on earth, and He understands what we go through. Believe that He was crucified for our sins, and that three days later He resurrected and is now seated in the Heavenly places on the right-hand side of God. Believe that God is our Creator and that He loves you so dearly. Believe! This is the currency of heaven, you have to have faith, you cannot wait to see it first before you believe it. Don't be left behind, embrace this truth and reap the benefits when the time comes.


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