The Lord is guarding us...

2 Thessalonians 3:3

 But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

The Lord keeps His promises, He is not man that He should lie, that is according to Numbers 23:19. Therefore, because He has promised to guard and protect us from the devil, that is exactly what He will do. God loves us and that is why the devil is always chasing after us, to keep us from fulfilling the plans of God here on earth. Which is why God is so protective of His children and would fight for them. This reminds me of the victory God brought the Israelites, when they were under attach, in 2 Chronicles 20 and God told them to stand still and see the victory. They didn't have to fight they just took their position as God instructed and the enemy was defeated by the confusion and chaos that caused them to fight against themselves. Similar to when they were leaving Egypt, and God parted the red sea for them to walk through and closed in the water that drowned all the Egyptians that were there.

This is the same for us, we may face opposition from time to time, what we should know is that God is on our side, and He will guard us and protect us from the enemy. Remember we are fighting against evil principalities, in the dark world as alluded to in Ephesians 6:12, where this manifests through certain people. Thus, God is able to also fight for us in the spirit and bring victory for us. We should always have our full armour of God as explained in Ephesians 6:10-18, to ensure that we use the authority and power that God gave us, to fight back. This is why we are urged to stay prayed up, we are at war (spiritual), but the good news is that Jesus has defeated the enemy for us. Therefore we fight from victory.


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