The Lord will guide you on the best path for your life!!!

 Psalm 32:8

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Oh praise the Lord, He is faithful! He says He will guide you along the best path for your life, isn't it that amazing? This is what we ask for, for His guidance on the best path for this life. When you consider the number of choices we are faced with in life, it can be overwhelming and scary, because one mistake, you could be taking a wrong turn that will lead to disaster, whether with career choices, business partners, jobs, partners etc. However, with such truths that the Lord is there to guide us on the best path, it is so comforting and heartwarming. 

Furthermore, the Lord says He will advise you and watch over you. Awesome! With His advice on your life, you are set to make the best decisions and your choices will be fruitful. In addition, Him watching over you, ensures that you are protected no matter what, that you are provided for and are taken care of. That's the God we serve!

I believe and receive this word, I pray that you do too, as it is a wonderful promise that would make life so much bearable and also that we will be set to be fruitful in whatever we do. We bless the Lord for His love and faithfulness in our lives. Never forget this...



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