Believe that your Redeemer lives!

 Job 19:25

“But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last.

When life happens, and things don't go as well as we thought they will, are we still confident that God our Redeemer will come through for us? Or do we automatically start believing that God does not exist? Like Job, who went through so much but held on to his faith, knowing that God never changes, He lives and will redeem him, it is the kind of conviction we need to have for ourselves. What we learn from Job, is that the devil went to God and after an engagement, God allowed the devil to test Job's faith and love for God. The devil thought Job loves God because he is blessed with everything. But God had full confidence on Job that he would not change from his position about the relationship he has with God. Indeed, that was the case. This proved that Job knew God lives and that He loves him and would come through for him.

It is on the same basis that we should have the same belief and conviction, that we know God lives and He loves us no matter what. That it doesn't mean that when we go through difficulties, then God is no more, that He no longer cares about us. In fact, Jesus told us that on earth we will face difficulties, but we must take heart, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). This was a warning that we will face tribulations, challenges that will be thrown at us, but we must not lose our hope and faith in Him. Therefore, should you be facing some sort of storm in whichever area of your life, may this be a reminder that God is still there with you. You are not alone and it is not abnormal to have challenges (Jesus warned us already). For you is to stay at the feet of Jesus, hold on to your Father, stay in prayer and believe He will come through for you. Your Redeemer lives indeed. Believe and be at peace.


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