Have the right response, to build...

 Colossians 4:6

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the power of life and death are in your tongue. What you say, may either build or break. Hence the verse for today, urges us to be gracious, kind so that we will have the right response for everyone. Right response doesn't necessarily refer to a Q&A session, but it refers to for example, if someone was to approach you, asking for advice on something that is bothering them, your response could either give them hope or bring despair. Therefore, we need to always be ready to give the right response. Also, right response doesn't mean lying to them, as a cover-up from them being hurt, but it means you tell the truth in a kind way, where you may also provide possible solutions or perspective that would make them feel hopeful. Remember that God has entrusted us to His children, who may not even have a relationship with Him; in this case, they may not have someone to put their trust in (like we do with Christ), in this case, they may be despondent about life and the storms that they face.

 I like the explanation in 1 Peter 3:15 that says: "Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." This tells us that we must be ready to explain our hope; this will come as a result that people will see you different, approaching life differently, being hopeful (even when the situation is dire), full of life and making waves. Be ready to point them to Jesus, who is the source of all our positivity, our victories, our joy and peace. Remain gracious and strive to share in your hope with others. God may have sent them to you for a reason.

As I'm writing this, I just realized that God set me up just today, where I encountered two people, one already hospitalized and the other going for surgery and when talking to them, I just felt the urge to encourage them in Christ to give them hope that God is in charge (and because that's where my hope is). So, be on guard and always be ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus...


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