Only by faith, will we be able to please God...

 Hebrews 11:6

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.

The currency of the Kingdom of God is faith. Faith forms the foundation of our relationship with our Father. We have not seen Him with our own eyes, but faith tells us He lives, and He is who He says He is. Which is why the bible makes it clear that we walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). This means everything we do, we do it because we have faith that it will work out based on what God said, His promises on our lives. Therefore, it is impossible to please God without faith. We can't wait to see it first before we believe it. For instance, the gift of salvation (Ephesian 6:8-9) came by us believing without having witnessed Jesus being crucified on the cross and resurrecting in three days. However, we believe the word of God that is in the bible because He is faithful, and He is not man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). 

Should you find it difficult to believe in the unknown, that God may be telling you or leading you to, I pray that the Holy Spirit rest upon you and reveal the truth found in the bible. Without the Holy Spirit, it is difficult to understand the bible, let alone believing what's written in it. We are not meant to do life on our own, but God sent us the Holy Spirit who is meant to be our Teacher, Helper, Comforter and Guide. It is through Him that you would we would hear from the Lord personally, as we read the bible. Pray about it and God will reward you as you seek Him earnestly.


PS: It is by His grace that God has opened my eyes and helped me build the relationship with Him, and feeling His love and mercy on my life. Which has led me to do what others have done for me, bringing me to the feet of Jesus. Thus, I'm inviting you the 1st series of an Online Bible Study, to help grow together in faith. If you are interested, kindly see the attached invitation and respond accordingly. Stay blessed.


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