Surely His goodness will follow you, always...

 Psalm 23:6

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.

I believe and I believe! God has proven His goodness in our lives, over a long time. All it takes, is paying attention to detail and recognizing that a lot of things don't just happen, it is the grace of God. I know it may be difficult to touch and feel the goodness of the Lord when you are in the wilderness, but even so, there are things that you can still see the hand of God over. Take the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness for example, God performed so many miracles, that would convince them that He is with them and for them. He protected them, provided for them and kept them alive however, they kept complaining and forgetting the very last big miracle He performed for them, due to what they were focusing on.

Could it be that we also do the same, we fix our eyes on the challenges and start feeling as though we are on our own, even though God had already proven His presence and love for us? Which is why I'm agreeing and holding on to the word I recently heard at our sermon, where we were encouraged to think back to what God has done in our lives, the things He saved us from, the time He came through for us when times were tough etc. That is bound to strengthen our faith that if He did it then, He certainly will do it again. He never changes, He's the same today, tomorrow and forevermore. Convince yourself that the goodness of the Lord will follow you and that you will live in the house of the Lord for the rest of your life. Such a declaration sends a firm message to the devil who may want to distract you.

Stay prayed up, never lose hope and hold on to His hand...


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