The beauty of living by the Spirit...

 Galatians 5:25

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

This simply means that we are born again, and by so, God has placed His Holy Spirit in us, as our guide, our help and comforter. We no longer live off by what our flesh dictates, but as the word of the Lord says, as guided by the Holy Spirit. This is inline with what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" Now that we belong to Christ, our old self has died, and we rose up with Christ. Our old way of doing things, preferences, fleshy desires have gone, and now we are clothed with the Spirit.

Some people may find this as a negative, that their old lifestyle has been cut short, which has been of the world; but what they don't realize is that what they have gained surpasses what they have lost. By being a new creation, you have been cleansed off all your sins, you now have a close and personal relationship with God, you are now part of His family. Most importantly, you have secured yourself the life in eternity. Eternity can be a very long time; hence, you would rather sacrifice the short time we live here on earth but be guaranteed of the glory that is sure to come, post life on earth. 

In fact, with Christ on your side, you get to start your awesome life here on earth, as Jesus has come to give us life in abundance, as confirmed in John 10:10. Just be fair and see the beauty you have, now that your life is guarded by our Heavenly Father. You become untouchable, unstoppable and unbreakable, for His honour and glory!


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