The Lord bless and shine His face upon you!

 Numbers 6:24-26

‘May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace.’

Receive this word and prayer over your life. That the Lord bless and protect you, smile and be gracious to you and also for Him to show His favour on you and give you His peace. This consists of the ingredients that would give you a prosperous, healthy and peaceful life. We all need His protection, His favour in areas we struggle with, for Him to be gracious and bless us and also to give us His peace in the midst of all that is going on out there. Receive it and believe that God is able to show you His goodness in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13).

The thing about the bible, it is not just about the account of what people went through previously and recorded into a bible just as a story book, but these are the words that are spirit-breathed, powerful and sharper than the double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Also, the stories in the bible are there to give us a glimpse of our Heavenly Father and His love for His children, thus showing that if He was gracious and loving to them, He certainly is loving and gracious to us too. We just need to believe these words, internalize and meditate on them; don't see them as a fairytale and their story. For example, when you read about Abraham, you get to understand that God made promises to Him and His descendants and we are told that we are his descendants by faith. Therefore, whatever promise you find in the bible that refers to the descendants of Abraham, you are counted as well, receive and believe. It shall be. 

Thus, my plea is for you to embrace such words, what God has said, will not return to Him void, but His word will accomplish everything that it was meant (Numbers 23:19). Your job is to believe and receive from Him...


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