The Lord is our Healer, claim and receive your healing!

 Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.

God cares for us and when He sees us hurting, in distress, He comes in to heal and comfort us. This verse today reminds us that whenever we face difficulties, situations that breaks our hearts, we have a Father that is there for us to take away the pain. Which is why He is called Jehovah Rapha, our Healer because indeed He is our Healer. Our confidence is found in Isaiah 53:5 which confirms our healing, and it says: "But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." The stripes Jesus endured on that day, secured our healing. This is something that has already been finalized, that we are healed. Furthermore, the beatings ensured that we are made whole!

This shows that it is the desire of the Lord to see us whole, not broken, hurt and not being our best versions. Therefore, should you find yourself not whole, run to our Father and remind Him of His promises, the victory that has already been won that secured your healing. Declare that you are made whole in Jesus name! Jesus has already given us the authority to these things, as we can see in Luke 10:19 that we trample over scorpions and snakes by the power and authority we've been given. Therefore, use the same power and authority to call forth your healing! Believe it and receive it!


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