You are the light of the world!!!

 Matthew 5:14

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Best believe that God says you are the light of the world! God created you to bring light to the world, the space you are in as per His purpose for your life. This light you need not have to dig it up or crack your head about "being it" but by being obedient to the Lord, you bring out that light naturally. By embracing who God created you to be, not copying others and forcing yourself to be something that you are not, you are being that light. Remember, God does not create copies, as He has a special purpose for each one of us, which is why we are unique to even our siblings whom we are born from the same parents with.

Also, to remember that because the Holy Spirit lives in you (1 John 4:4), He is able to shine His light through you, as you become obedient to His leading. Therefore, never think small of yourself, God created you and chose you to be the light wherever He has chosen for you. Instead, embrace and appreciate being the vessel for the light, bringing solutions, victory, word of hope, healing and so much more. That is what God desires for your life. He performs His miracles through you. You matter in the kingdom of God, don't let anyone tell you otherwise- You Are The Light of The World!


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