You have a special gift that the world needs...use it!
1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
This is so important to remember!!! God created us different, unique for a reason. He made each person special, filled with gifts and talents that God would use to bring glory and honour unto Him. God never mass-produced us, as copies, there is a reason for that. As this verse for today says, God blessed each one of us with a gift, from a variety of gifts so that we may serve one another, be a blessing to others. This means, what God put in you, is to be used to bless others. Hence, you cannot be selfish with your gift, as by so doing, you may be denying someone an opportunity to be blessed through you.
Also, we need to remember that one day we will account to God on what we did with the gifts He gave us. The parable of talents in the bible is precisely this message (in the book of Matthew 25:14-30). God wants us to use what He blessed us with, not hide it or discard it. So, best be careful not to be jealous of others, and instead ask God to reveal what He placed in you for His special use, and focus on that. The world needs what you have, no one has what you have and no one can do what God has placed in you to do. So don't take it lightly, use all of it!
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