Best believe that when you give to the poor, God will repay you!

 Proverbs 19:17

If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD— and He will repay you!

Rest assured; God sees everything. The little that you do for others, where you are not expecting to be repaid, God takes note, and this verse tells us that He will repay you for your good deeds! The kingdom of God is the one that is based on grace, kindness, love as opposed to the worldly kingdoms. In the kingdom of God, what pleases the Lord, is being considerate of others, being generous and selfless. We learn this as that's exactly how Jesus was whilst he was still here on earth, and we know that He was revealing who God is. These are the traits of our Heavenly Father who loves beyond measure.

Therefore, never feel grumpy when the Holy Spirit leads you give to someone who is in need, do it with a cheerful heart, recognizing and appreciating that the Lord is using you at that moment to be a blessing to His child. Obey and do what the Lord says. If you are hesitant, think about if the situation was reversed, where you've been praying to God for something, and God sends someone to close that gap, but that person refuses to do so; not nice. So, be who God has called you to be, and that's being a blessing to others. We are the hands and feet for Jesus here on earth! Share the Christmas spirit of giving...


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