God is living you and you live in Him!
1 John 4:15
All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God.
A wonderful statement indeed. What more could we ask for, than to have our Almighty living in us and us in Him; a very close relationship indeed. The only condition is: this is applicable to those that declares Jesus as the Son of God! I believe and I hope you do too. It is during this wonderful time of the year that we are reminded of the greatest gift of all that we were presented with, Jesus the Son of God! We are reminded of His birth and how He came to save us from sin and to reconcile us with our Father! It is awesome indeed!
May you take time, during these holidays to meditate on this truth, let it soak into your spirit and allow the Lord to reveal Himself to you, as you remember of this miraculous act that humankind has ever seen. May it bring you closer to our Father, as was originally intended, so that you get to see God as your Father, because He is. This time of the year is supposed to be one of the saddest months for me, as I lost both my parents around this time (different dates), but I choose to allow the comfort from the Lord to overtake me, and keep my eyes away from sorrow but to focus on the wonderful news that we celebrate in this month. Thus, I allow the Lord to shower me with His love that fulfills the loss of my earthly father and mother. I'll forever remember and love them and I'm truly grateful that God has taught me that I'm no orphan because I'm His child. Philippians 4:8-9 reminds us to fill our minds with things that are pure, true, right, praiseworthy, noble, lovely etc. instead of wallowing in sorrow. The choice is ours. I pray you choose to keep your eyes on the Lord, no matter the type of storm you may be facing, He is the source of great news for us.
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