Make room for our Father!
Isaiah 40:3
Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, “Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!
We need to make room for God in our lives. We don't need to wait until we have everything we need, before we can create space for Him or put Him at the centre. This verse indicates that we need to make way for Him in the wilderness. Now, wilderness can be different for different people, depending on what you are going through. But this is a place where you may be going through a rough patch, where you are in need and don't have it all figured out. Take the children of Israel for example in the book of Exodus, their wilderness was a physical place, where they were away from their "comfort", familiar place, where they didn't have it figured out on what's going on. God was in charge of everything, the place they slept at, the food they ate, the water they drank etc. In this case, they just had to allow God to be God in their lives, to allow Him to be in control, by so doing, they were making a way for Him.
Now, assess your life, at what season are you in? Are you still in "Egypt", in bondage, under severe difficulties where you are enslaved by different things? Are you in the wilderness, where God has delivered you from that bondage, but you are not completely independent and mobile? Or are you in the promised land, where God has now given you all you need and has delivered you from all things? Regardless of the stage/season you may be in, make room for our Father, He needs to take the lead, to enable your freedom from bondage (if you are in "Egypt"), or He needs to guide your every step as He's pruning and equipping you (in the wilderness) or to help maintain the blessing He's given you, including the positions, provisions and resources (in the promised land). He needs to remain the centre of our lives, our "go-to" place for guidance and assistance. Rejoice because He is with us and for us! (no matter the circumstance)...
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